So-o-o, yesterday was the day to get my tree up. You have to understand that this is a very old tree, where you put the branches in one at a time. (Of course you can see by the picture that we also have a very old TV and an old heating system--radiators. Actually, it's just a very old house! But I digress.) It was my husband's tree and this is the third year I've put it up, so that part went fairly well.

Trimming the rest of the tree was sort of an anti-climax to the trauma I had with the lights. However even that leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is, I have certain ornaments that have sentimental value, but some of them aren't real beautiful, and then most of them are one of a kind, and it's hard to get a well balanced tree.
Now that I've had an evening to sit and enjoy my lights, I've decided that I'm very special. I am very certain that no one in the United States, or elsewhere for that matter, has a tree exactly like mine. In fact, maybe it should be displayed at that Christmas Store that Dee visited. (See One foot out of the box blog, as I don't think my link worked for some reason)
I have made a monumental decision after having this experience. I am going to be right there at the after-Christmas sales, and find a nice pre-lit tree on sale, and bring it home to have ready for next Christmas.
Hi Donna, there is nothing wrong with your little tree. Mine is still in my daughters shed at the back of her yard.We forgot to get it out before all the snow, now we would have to shovel a path to get to it, and i mean lots of snow. I had to get a tiny table top tree as there is no room for it here in my teeny tiny secret haven.I really dont like it very much so am not in to big of a hurry to dig it out. I have some beautiful ornaments stored away for safe keeping that we collected for years untill Frank got to sick to mess with putting the tree up. I have an angel in the garage that turns diffrent colors that i would like to get out. It was a gift for a christmas play i helped with and has sentimental value. Every thing else is subtle Christmas decor you would have to look for. With out littles and family coming to visit we are much more laid back about the holiday decorating. I do love to look at all the other homes. At times i miss my home. I loved decorating it, but the Lord has taught me what a home really is and what Christmas really is and for that i am happy. Dee
Dee--I had a much bigger home in Oklahoma City, but I moved here to marry my current husband. You are so right, it's not the decorations or the home that make it Christmas. I am so blessed in so many ways. Blessings on you, Dee.
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