With such a big family, it is often difficult to coordinate a family get-together. Such was the case for our Christmas this year. We had a few missing, but we had a great time. If my count is correct we had 29 there out of a possible 42. We had lots of food, sang the Twelve Days of Christmas with everyone participating in a part (this has been a tradition for many years), had gifts for the kids, and even some for the adults, and just had lots of fun. We played Family Feud, with the men against the ladies--the ladies won of course! We were awesome! There were lots of activities--swimming, ping-pong, playing Wii,etc.
We met in Upland, Indiana and whenever we go there, it is almost imperative that we make a trip to Ivanhoe's. It is an ice cream place with I think 100 different sundaes or shakes. Even though we had tons of snacks, several of us decided it was a must to go have our ice cream. We walked the 8 blocks there and back, so that we could justify the calories.
Alas, I was having so much fun, I forgot to take many pictures. I had to include one of our sweet great-niece, Maddie. She's a little doll and the youngest in a family of six kids.
Mostly, Christmas is about family and relationships. We just really enjoy spending time together. This year it was different of course, as our sweet Dad passed away last June. We all really felt his absence, but we can still celebrate, knowing he spent Christmas with his dear Lord.
It is truely wonderful to spend holiday time with family. It is great that you all get together. My family does not anymore. Did at one time but no more. Time, work and travel keep us apart for Christmas so it is nce for me to hear when families still do. Happy New Year to you.
My son went to Ball State and a few times he drove north to Ivanhoe's to meet my daughter and I for a special visit as we drove down from Ft Wayne.
He has since moved to Iowa so I don't see him very often.
Hope you are doing well, we miss you at SJ. Kathy
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