Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tribute to Step-Mother

Step-Mom, Kay, with Niece Amy

As most of you know, my wonderful, sweet Dad passed away on June 26th. As I mentioned in the previous blog, we really felt his absence this year at our Christmas gathering. It just wasn't the same. However, we did have our Step-Mom Kay with us. She and Dad had been married almost 20 years, so she is definitely very much a part of this family. We all participated in putting together a scrapbook for Kay, with special memories and just letting her know how much she means to our family. This picture was taken on December 29th, Monday at our Christmas gathering. She had a good time and seemed to be doing well. She stayed with my sister Lou, and then Lou took her back to her home on Wednesday morning. She talked on the phone with her own daughter on Wednesday evening and seemed to be fine. She did say she was very tired.

Thursday, New Year's Day, both her son Jerry and her daughter Linda tried to get in touch with her by phone. She didn't answer, so they finally had the police go check her home, and found that she had passed away, sometime between Wed. night and Thursday when they were trying to call. It was so sudden, and so unexpected, since we had just been with her. They said she had a massive stroke. ( She has had 2 mini-strokes in the past). We will miss her very much.

We know that Kay knew the Lord as her Saviour, so we can rest in the knowledge that she is now with her Lord and King, as we know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. She and Dad are most likely having a wonderful reunion!

1 comment:

Andy Rowell said...

Thanks for these updates, Donna. Our kids also loved your thoughtful gifts--the truck and trailer and lights and sounds James and the books and the flashlight for me and lotion for Amy.