The best laid plans of mice and men--and family! We had planned for some time to have a work day at the farm, to do some cleaning and take scrap steel to the salvage. Plans were going well; we had a wonderful man in his 80's bringing a bobcat and a truck; we had a big dumpster available. I guess we knew it would possibly be cold in mid-November. We just hadn't realized how cold it is when temperatures are in the low 40's with wind and rain.
We all gathered, put on our cold weather gear, and started to work. We had a rest station set up with coffee, hot cider, soup and sandwiches and a kerosene heater. I felt like it was going well for a few hours. However by noon, we were pretty much "chilled to the bone"! Even though I'm an avid blogger, it was difficult to take pictures in these conditions. My sister, Brenda managed to do better, and also has a good summary of the day, Bone Cold.
We ended the day with a family meeting at McDonald's, and warmed up with some hot chocolate. Nothing like a little comfort food (or drink) to give you a better perspective on the situation.
I don't think we're planning any more work days until Spring!
I feel your pain Donna. We've had weekends like that where we planned to do a big outside project weeks in advance only to have the weather not cooperate.
I got cold just looking at the pictures....B~r~r~r Dee
It didn't rain today, but with temps only in the upper 40's to low 50's and a stiff breeze it felt like 25 degrees. We've been spoiled with Indian Summer too long, I guess. Glad you decided to give it up before y'all got sick or suffered frostbite!
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