Last summer Naomi had to move to Terre Haute, Indiana to live with her daughter. She has an unstable hip bone, and they can't do surgery, but she has become basically wheel chair-bound. Last fall I went to visit Naomi, and took her to a park. We had such a great time.
This past week I went to visit her again. We had planned to take her on an outing, to get her out of her room, but she just really wasn't feeling up to it. But we had a great visit! I've learned a lot about Naomi, in my last 2 visits with her.
She has really had a difficult life. She had a very unhappy childhood. Then she got married to a man who abused her, and she finally divorced him. She had 4 small children, and worked several different jobs while trying to raise her kids. Most of that time she lived in a small flat. Fortunately, there was a neighbor who would watch her kids while Naomi worked.

I wanted to post this nursing school graduation picture of Naomi. I just think she was such a beautiful woman. She gave me this picture when she moved back to Indiana last year.
I asked Naomi how she could be so positive and full of life in Oklahoma. She said that of course the major reason is because she has the Lord as her Saviour. But she did tell me that the years she lived in Oklahoma were the happiest years of her life. She's had a little bit of a difficult time adjusting to being back in Indiana. However, Cindy, her daughter, has been very good to her.
Naomi is currently trying to find a place to live by herself again. She feels she could manage it, with handicap-accessible facilities. And 2 of her daughters would be close enough to help if needed. She loves to paint, and feels she would be able to set up a place where she can do that again. I saved a piece of wood from my dad's barn, and I told her the first thing she needs to paint is to paint a picture of dad's barn on that wood. She is very excited at the prospect of doing that.
Both Naomi and my mother-in-law are very lonely, being separated. They had become the best of friends, and would sit on Naomi's porch every day, weather permitting and talk and laugh.
Naomi says they are both just "waiting to see Jesus" where they can talk for eternity!
Nice to hear about Naomi and fun to see that you have gotten the hang of scanning photos.
The picture of Naomi as a young nurse reminds me of a Cherry Ames (was THAT her first name?) book....the old series of books about a nurse in various roles....Naomi WAS and IS beautiful!
And how thoughtful of you to make the trip to see her, beautiful Nurse Donna.
I hate seperations! It seems to be one more hard thing to do when you get older. I pray my best friend and i will never be seperated and that Frank and i can live out our life till we do not recognize each other. However i will except Gods will in my life. You have such a tender soul, and Gods light shines all around you Donna. I truly enjoy visiting your blog
That's so sweet to hear about this precious lady and the friendship she has with your mother in law. We all should be so blessed.
She still is a beautiful woman. It is so inspiring to hear how some people go through some extremely tough times and rise above it all. Naomi did that. You are a good friend Donna.
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