John was a loving, caring husband and father. We had been married 27 years. We had just had supper with John's mother at our home to celebrate the holiday. Both of my kids were out with friends. A few hours after his mother had gone home, John suffered a heart attack and was gone immediately.
John and his mother had been discussing at supper that several men in their family had died of heart attacks very young. His own father died at age 46; a few others died in early 50's. I remember John said, "Well I'm 55 so I guess I'm past the danger point. After he was gone I remembered this conversation.

John loved the Lord. He loved working with kids, and had a clown ministry. His clown name was Jolly Jelly Bean. We had friends that were missionaries in Mexico and John went on several mission trips to Mexico. On two occasions my daughter Sara went with him.
Many things have happened since John's death. His sister who was 10 years younger died 3 years after he did. (There were no other siblings). Our son, Tim, went through a very difficult time and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2002. Then in August 2006, our daughter Sara died of carbon monoxide poisoning. We never know why things happen as they do, and I have learned not to question, knowing that the Lord's timing is always perfect.
In November 2005 I married Lynn; this has been such a blessing in so many ways. He is a wonderful man, treats me like a queen, and we have a good life together. I was so thankful that he was at my side when my daughter passed away. I have been able to retire, and I'm enjoying that so much. That probably would not have been possible if I had not re-married.
God is so good, all of the time! In spite of some sorrows and heartaches along the way, I feel very blessed. It is my desire to be an encouragement to others and to serve the Lord faithfully. I know he uses our experiences to help others along the way. I recently helped with a funeral dinner for a 21 year old girl who died of a seizure. I was able to talk to her mother and felt it was an encouragement to her.
I know there has been a wonderful reunion in heaven--John, Sara, my mother and my dad, among others. I would imagine that John is keeping them entertained with his clowning.
My thoughts are with you today, Donna. Your post glorifies the Lord as you express both your gratitude for past blessings and trust in Him for the things you don't understand. May your day be filled with good memories and the support of understanding family and friends. Your story and friendship bless ME.
Donna, your post is both encouraging and sad to hear of your losses. You are a great encouragement to many as you testifl the glory of the Lord in your times of sorrow and joy. My prayers are with you this day as you remember your lossed loved ones. I know they are all enjoying themselves in the pressecne of our Lord and Savior. Thank you for sharing with us. You are a blessing.
Donna, Thank you for sharing your memories and sorrow. You give hope to so many by sharing your life. You are a blessing!!! Heavens reunion will be awesome. Dee
Donna, you are such a blessing to so many of us. Your upbeat, enthusiastic passion for life. Maybe it is because of the hardships you have suffered and been brought through by God that have given you this passion. You are an inspiration to me. I will be praying for you as you remember your loved ones and also for your son's recovery. Blessings to you friend.
Such a lovely tribute. God is Good all the time. Thank you for sharing your heart.
God Bless
Thank you for opening up and sharing these tender,yet painful memories with us. I'm glad for your healing over the years, but I'm also saddened that you've had to deal with so much. May God give you years of love and rich living with Lynn.
Thanks for this witness.
My dear cousin Donna, you are an inspiration. May God continue to bless and give you strength!
Love You!
My husband also died on May 31 but in 1992. We had been married 13 years. The end of May is still a difficult time for me. I have since remarried and will celebrate my 10th anniversary this June 26.
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