I started out on a little adventure this morning, to go to a neighboring town, Harlan, and watch the Harlan Days parade with my friend Rebecca and her family and friends on her porch. Alas!! Though I can't believe it happened, I forgot to take my camara! So I decided I might have to get a little creative--not an easy task for me!

We also DID have people that were in the parade throwing out candy and goodies for the kids--and adults! Although I know no one in the above picture, I thought it looked like they were having fun reaching for candy.
For the real pictures of our fun morning in Harlan check out Rebecca's blog--I linked to it above. I really did have a good time. Rebecca's husband, Gary, had recently painted their lovely porch. Their home is right on main street so we had a great view of the parade.
We also had cookies and home-made zucchini bread to keep us fortified for all the activity. It wouldn't be a parade without snacks.
It was great to meet some of her grandchildren, who are adorable! Rachel, a little redhead with beautiful eyes (about 2 y/o?) is just precious. Then after the parade, Rebecca and I walked with Abby and Titus, 2 of her grandkids, to the park to look at the rides (grandpa will take them later) and we also walked through the merchant and craft tent, where the kids got free kazoo's. They thoroughly entertained us on our walk home by playing "Jesus Loves Me" and other renditions, pretty much non-stop, on their kazoos. Rebecca wanted to know if, since they were free, would they break easily? I guess we can only hope!
It was a beautiful day, with good company, an all-american parade, snacks and kazoos. Who could possibly ask for more? It was truly a fun morning.
I love a parade...Just blog hopping this morning and ran across your blog...I love it and I look forward to coming back to read more. Have a Happy Saturday!
The kazoos lasted and MIGHT have been banned somewhere along the route home from Fort Wayne to Chicago! Thanks for lending your nurse's expertise to the abrasion emergency. It seemed to alleviate some of the sting to have had a professional weigh in on the treatment.
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