On November 5, 2005, I married a wonderful man, a farmer at heart (an engineer by trade) and moved from the city to the farm. I had lived on a farm while growing up, but had spent 19 years in Oklahoma City and then a few months in Ft. Wayne, prior to getting married. There are many things about the country that I enjoy. It's fairly quiet, and I can enjoy beautiful sunsets and sunrises. We have a large garden (which has been a blessing, but I'm currently ready to plough it under!)--but that's another story! In so many ways I've been blessed.

This afternoon, my hubby came in from outside and said, "Donna, get your camara and come and get a great blog picture! (As you can see, I have him trained to look for photo op's!) I went outside with him, and he walked me around to our pear tree. Up in the branches was a big bee's nest--I mean, to me it looked huge! So, yes indeed, I proceeded to get a picture. (I'm hoping you will be able to click on it and enlarge it if you want). I can't imagine why they chose this spot for their nest. Lynn called a "bee-keeper" friend of his who came right over. The bees are, as we speak, making their way into a new home in his hive. He will come probably in the evening tomorrow to retrieve his hive and take it to his place. But it was a rather exciting moment for us. Fortunately for me, it's not a regular occurence here, as bees still make me a little nervous, even though I've been somewhat educated about them by my bee-keeper sister and brother-in-law.

While I was out with my camara, I couldn't resist taking a few pics of my flowers. They have really bloomed well this year and have been a pretty addition to my back yard.

Even my hubby, Lynn, has commented on what a beautiful flower bed we have this year.
Also, the other night, right across from our house, in the wheat field, We saw 3 baby deer just frolicking there. Lynn drove very slowly and stopped, and so did the baby deer--they just stopped and looked to see what we were going to do. It was long enough for me to grab my camara and get a quick pic before they took off running.
I just thought I would share a little of my "county life", as it has played out this last week.
A couple of verses came to mind as I was posting this.
Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Psalm 145:21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise His holy name for ever and ever. (I think that definitely includes bees).
I LOVE this post! You are such a good farmer's wife. Our other sister, Lou, just commented to me today about your generous, good heart. I agree. How fun that a swarm came to your place! It is late for bees to swarm. They are ususally pretty docile when swarming so don't worry much about them. They did not attack you when you photographed them, right? Blessings
BIG bee's nest! yowie...I love the deer. It is so sad to see them hit by cars. We have a huge problem around here with car deer accidents.Farm life is not easy, but has a charm.I have made a few friends who are farmers.
The pictures are awesome Donna. Your Zinnias are gorgeous. It has been a fantastic year for flowers, hasn't it? You seem to enjoy living in the country, thanks for sharing a bit about it.
Oh girl, your country is calling my name (minus the bees). I have a bee-charmer friend. She'd be salivating right now over those bees! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your life with us through your words and pictures. I can find so much of God through nature photography.
Blessings and peace to you this week, Donna. I pray God's good grace and favor over your life in this season.
I just cooked your beets this morning. I'd read to put a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper on them. Gary said, "These taste like my Mom used to make them." That is a HIGH compliment. She was/is a very good cook! I can't thank you properly for your generous sharing from your garden this summer.
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