Speaking of looking forward, Lynn's sister-in-law, Jan, has a terminal lung disease and is on oxygen 24/7. She was approved for the lung transplant list a few months ago, and was first on the list in Indiana. So she and her family have been waiting for a phone call to go to Indianapolis for her lung transplant. She had asked me a few weeks ago about helping to take care of their severely handicapped child when she goes for her surgery. She said, "We have home health care, and our regular person has said she would watch Cassie around the clock if needed. But when we get the call, we will have to leave in 30"; could you fill in, if necessary, until a care giver gets here. It would probably only be a couple of hours at the most?" I assured her I would.

However, I was very disappointed that I would most likely miss out on going to the lake. I called Lynn and told him what I was doing, and that he should go to the lake without me. (We were planning to go early Sunday, about 7 am).
After I got to Jan's home on Sat. evening, I got a call from the Home health agency; they would have an aide there to take care of Cassie on Sunday from 9 am till 7 pm. So, I called Lynn and we decided we could still go to the lake; I would just have to be back by 7 pm to take care of Cassie during the night on Sunday.

As it turned out, we had a wonderful day at the lake. Our friends have a pontoon boat, and the 6 of us--3 couples, spent a lot of time on the water, and did some swimming. Even though it was 92 degrees, the water was cold at first! But it was really refreshing and relaxing. What a nice time with friends, as well as 'getting away' for a little while.
I got back home at 7:30 this morning after staying with Cassie all night. We also got great news from Indy! Jan's surgery went well and by early afternoon on Sunday she was off the ventilator, breathing on her own, awake and talking to them.
This will still be a long recovery period for Jan. But what a great gift, to be given a second chance at having healthy lungs and a good quality of life again!
They are still working out a care giver schedule, hoping to get 24-hour coverage; but I may be back there tonight as well. I found these quotes and Bible verses this morning and thought they were applicable to this whole situation.
"One of the wonders of life is just that--the wonder of life!
"Sympathy says 'I'm sorry'; compassion says, 'Ill help'.
"Learn the joy of giving, for when you only receive you miss much of life".
Our Lord is the giver of life.
John 10:10,11 I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd risks and lays down His own life for the sheep.
Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.
Bless you for being a good friend, I am sure she felt much better knowing her son was in such capable hands. I am also happy you got to go to the lake as well.
Your life is just as busy as mine, lol.
I needed that verse from Psalms, too. Thanks for being here.
I like those quotes - 'specially the one showing difference between sympathy and compassion. You are compassionate (as shown by your care of Cassie).
Thank you for the beans! It was good to see you face to face today.
What a wonderful person you are...compassion is your gift from the Lord to all of us. I am glad your frinds transplant went well. What a scary surgery.I bet she feels wonderful being able to get air on her own. I can only imagine. Dee
I'm so thankful for your willing heart that answers "yes" when called upon during a time of need. We need more of you in this world.
Thanks for being a good friend and for allowing God to use your hands for his kingdom purposes. It may seem small to you, but to this family, a huge relief!
Praying for a solid and good recovery for Jan.
Your willingness to help is a true witness of your love of Jesus and the desire to be like him!
Praises and shouts of thanksgiving for the successul surgery! Will pray for a smooth recovery!
Donna, I am sending some of my friends one of my doodles, and i would like to send you one. If you would like a doodle please e-mail me an address...deelarichard@yahoo.com
Oh my, Donna, you have spent a great deal of time caring for Cassie. You are compassionate and a good friend! Blessings!
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