Our dad passsed away in June 2008 and we sold the farm (with the house) in May of this year. You can read Brenda's blog for a better understanding, but basically the farmers who bought the farm are allowing the house to be used for people who need a second chance in life. The first resident will be moving in on Wednesday, so it became necessary to get the house ready for him very quickly. Cecily, the wonderful lady in charge of this project, got many of the local churches involved; several of them "adopted" a room to renovate.

While I was there, I saw people working in various rooms from all different churches. The Catholic church was doing the bathroom; Archbold Evangelical were in the kitchen; Central Mennonite were doing the sunroom, dining room and entry way. West Clinton Mennonite were doing 2 rooms upstairs, and the Methodist church was doing the 3rd bedroom upstairs. The St. John United Church of Christ was going to be working in the downstairs bedroom tonight, putting in paneling on the walls.

All of the rooms are being furnished with donations from various sources. I was just so amazed to watch how much was being accomplished in such a short period of time. Not only are they getting the work done in short order, but with such community involvement, they will be invested in the lives of the men who will live here. (There will be either 3 or 4 men living here soon).

As I was leaving, I took a picture of the "parking lot". You can't see them all, but I counted 13 cars at that time. There had been people coming and going all afternoon and evening.
Ephesians 4:2, 4-6 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
I have truly seen this spirit of love and unity as this community has come together to provide a home and a second chance for these men.
Wow! I wish that I could go on Wednesday and see it finished. I think Dad would be so pleased.
Scripture in action!!! May God bless each of you and to the gentleman who will be moving in.
Wow christain workers can do wonderful things if we put our minds to it. Wouldn't your father be proud of how his house is being used.
I can't wait to hear more! It IS wonderful to see how quickly it came together and to see the cooperation within the Body of Christ. Your family continues to bless others in ways you wouldn't have dreamed possible only a few weeks ago, right?!
What a feeling of accomplishment this must have been!
The body of Christ actually being the body of Christ. What an amazing story; sounds like it should be written up for the local paper. I remember feeling the warmth of such moments following Hurricane Floyd when our church became "command central" for the relief efforts.
A beautiful picture of community, Donna. Thanks for sharing. This blessed my heart.
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