(The most recent pictures I have of Sara are from my wedding)
I wrote this tribute to Sara one year ago, and decided I couldn’t improve on it, but I wanted to post it in my blog today. She went to be with the Lord on August 2, 2006.
I have been thinking about my daughter, Sara, this week. Three years ago today the Lord took her home to be with Him. When someone close to you is gone, you tend to remember the good memories. I know Sara wasn’t perfect by any means, and she had some very hard times in her brief life. But what I remember are the wonderful qualities she had.
From the time she was small, Sara did not know a stranger. I used to worry about her, because she would make friends with everyone! When she was taken from us she had so many friends. This was very evident at the memorial service we had for her in Oklahoma City. There were so many young people in her age group in that service. We talked to some of her friends, and these are the comments they made:
“She was my best friend”, “We were like sisters”, “she was so nice and kind”, “I don’t have one bad memory of Sara”, “she knew how to make us laugh”, “she gave backrubs”, “Sara never held grudges”. Her brother said, “she was springy, she was peppy; she had no volume control! She believed in God.”
As her mother, I remember her sweet spirit. She was always much more concerned about other people and tried to encourage them. As young as kindergarten, she would be going around the room helping the other kids.
After my first husband, her dad, died, Sara was the one that would remember special days—his birthday, our anniversary, the anniversary of his death. I remember once on my birthday she came over to spend the evening with me; we watched a movie and had popcorn. I remember telling her, “you don’t have to hang out with me.” Her comment was “now that dad’s gone, someone has to take care of you.”
After Sara’s funeral, when we were cleaning out her apartment, I found a piece of paper way back in the corner of a closet. It was a letter she had started to write to my current husband, Lynn. She said, “I hope you are enjying being married to my wonderful mom. I am sure she is taking good care of you ‘cause she is great at that; and in return I hope you are giving her a hard time, because someone needs to, and that was always my department.”
I miss Sara’s laughter—she had a great smile and a great laugh. I miss her calling me and saying “Hey, mama, wha’s up?” She used to call at least once a week.
Sara gave her heart to the Lord at a young age. Although she strayed away from Him for a while, she had come back to her personal relationship with the Lord. When I would ask her about it she would always say, “Yes mom, I know I’m saved. I know I’ll be with dad when I die.”
Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to have Sara as a part of my life for 28 years. She was a sweetheart and brought much joy into our lives.
We thought of you today, but that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday, and the days before that too.
We think of you in silence, we often speak your name,
Now all we have are memories, and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake with which we’ll never part;
God has you in His keeping, we have you in our heart.
Donna, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. As i read your post, this song kept running through my mind...when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be...Praise the Lord ~ for in Him we have the hope of being with our loved one's once again. Here is a hug (((Hug)) Dee
Donna, I can't even imagine the pain at suffering the loss of a child. It is truely a blessing that you know without a doubt that your daughter is in heaven with your first huband and our glourious Saviour. My thoughts and prayes are with you my friend and also here is a big hug from me. (Donna)!
Thank you for introducing me to Sara. I never knew her, but in a small way, I do now - through your eyes. I also know you better.
And, on another note, I'm going to tell Marcy to "move over"! You got VERY creative with your parade post. I wish I'd thought of that! I just didn't get pictures of the parade, the table of goodies or the people on our porch! Mine was weak! Yours was strong.
I realize you may not know who Marcy is! She is at blessingseachday.blogspot.com
I can always count on smiling when I read her post. Well, I can usually count on LAUGHING....If you go there, you will see why I think your parade post is "just like Marcy".
Sweet Friend,
Your tribute to your daughter brought me to tears. Your words were beautiful and I can only imagine the empty space left by her passing. Your daughter and my mother are in a much better place and I know we will all be together again.
It is with tears that I am commenting on your post. I am so amazed at your grace and faith as write about your daughter. I know that when the time comes, you and she will have the greatest reunion imaginable. Thanks you for sharing Sara with us.
What a wonderful tribute to your lovely daughter. When we have many loved ones who have left earth, each one draws us a little closer to heaven. May God bless you and your memories. Jan
What a great post. I do love those photos and am glad that you can scan now! Yes, Sara is missed. I often think of her--especially when I know you are going to OK. Blessings on you.
A beautiful tribute to Sara. Donna, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that I never have to feel that kind of pain; but should that be my portion, I hope to possess the strength and faith that you have. You speak a witness to me through this, and I thank you for sharing your memories with me.
Oh my! I am so sorry. We are kindred...you and I. We lost our daughter at the age of 37 in January of last year. This is a lovely tribute.
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