The best laid plans often get changed through, seemingly, no fault of our own. Such was the case on my recent trip to Oklahoma City. I make this trip about every 3 months, as my son, Tim, still lives there (I lived there for 19 years).
This trip was specifically to go with Tim to a Dr's appointment for his diabetes. He's had problems with episodes of very low sugar and has passed out on several occassions. The appointment was for Sept. 9, at 10:00am ( or so we thought). When we arrived, a less-than-friendly receptionist informed us that Dr. Drake was not there this week. When she checked the appointment, she said it was for Sept 2nd, and that since Tim was a "no-show" for that appointment, Dr. Drake would not see him at all. I told her that we were given the appointment for the 9th. She said she called Tim and confirmed his appointment for the 2nd. Tim told me he did receive a phone call, but he didn't realize the date was changed. So-o-o-o, it was back to the drawing board. I called the family doctor, explained what happened (she confirmed that she had set the appointment for the 9th) and she is setting up an appointment with another specialist.
(1) I always rent a car when I go to OKC, and thought I had really gotten a good deal this time. However, when I got to the counter, she said it was booked from the 5th to the 9th, instead of from the 5th to the 10th. So I would have to pay an additional day. (I'm sure it was a mistake on their part, as I gave them the correct dates). They gave me a very cute, red Toyota Yaris; as I drove it from the airport, I thought I was in the wrong gear. Everytime, I stopped and started again the motor would rev, like a hot-rodder. This was on Thursday afternoon, and I didn't really have to drive it anywhere that night. (Actually, I went to see Tim, but my friend Judy drove me, as I had accidentally left the lights on in the Toyota, and the battery was dead!) Great start to my trip! After talking to Lynn on the phone, and to Shirley, I decided they needed to replace my car, as I didn't feel like it was safe to drive. (By this time, a friend of Shirley's had come over and jumped my battery). So Friday morning, I called the rental agency. They finally decided they would bring me a different car, but it would be about 2 hours. They said that for some reason the car was going into overdrive, instead of driving normally. (This was at 9:30 am) At 12:00 I still had no car, and I called again. It seems they had forgotten to call a wrecker company to go pick up the car at the airport and bring it to me. They said it would be about 1 1/2 hours. At 2:15 pm I was getting ready to call again, when the car finally arrived! It was a Mazda, and worked wonderfully. I only wasted one day waiting, right? (I determined that I would be talking to a manager when I returned the car and would not be paying for the extra day!)
(2) Shirley and I actually took another detour on Sunday morning. I really wanted to go to Pastor Dan's Church to hear him and see him and his wife Jeanie. So we got up and dressed in our finest outfits--as it turned out they were almost exactly alike! It reminded me of my dad's funeral; Brenda and I were supposed to speak together, and we initially were dressed almost exactly alike. Brenda decided that just wasnt' acceptable and found something else to wear. But I digress!. Anyway, being the free spirits that we are, we decided it didn't bother us to be dressed alike. When we got to the church--we were a little early--we went in to look around. One of the ladies there asked if we were new to the area. I explained that I knew Pastor Dan. She said "Oh, he's on vacation today"! Well! I really didn't want to listen to the Baptist Association President, so we went to the restroom, and then just sauntered out into the sunshine and drove off! It was really too late to go anywhere else, so we took a scenic drive back through the city to Shirley's, in our very chic Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes!
Delightful times:
I always enjoy going back to OKC. Shirley and her daughter Judy, and another friend, Jaquetta, are so much fun, and we just laugh and laugh. (It's good for our endorphins, you know). I always enjoy seeing Mother Lavin. She came to Shirley's for a birthday supper they had for me. Then on Tuesday, I took Mother and Tim out to her favorite restaurant--Golden Corral. She likes to be able to choose what she wants. She especially thinks it's cool that she gets a free drink--she takes 3 or 4 lemon wedges, squeezes them in her water, and adds sugar. She thinks its great that she gets a free lemonade! I think it's hilarious!
I also went back to the Spine Hospital where I used to work and saw all my co-workers. They are such a great group, and always glad to see me. (They always tell me how great I look, which is an added perk, even if it might not be true!)
There is definitely one thing I can always count on when I travel to OKC--even though things dont' go as I planned, I always have a great time! I am so blessed to have such great friends and family. God is good!
You, sister Donna, have a GREAT attitude! Bless you!
I must say though that our outfits for Dad's funeral were not almost alike, they were very alike.
Sounds great!! Glad to read about your vacation trip.
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