Fortunately, in recent years, they have found a medication which can be injected into the eye, and stops the progress of the disease, as well as often improving eyesight. It also helps to keep it from going to the other eye. The medication I use is Avastin; there is also another one called Lucentis. My eyesight has gone from legally blind to 20/50 in that eye. (Actually, today it was better than usual--20/40). I currently get these injections about every 5-6 weeks, to keep my eyesight at this level.
I am so very grateful for this medication! There was a time when this condition was untreatable. I can still read and do everything I enjoy doing, with the possible exception of night-time driving. I especially have trouble seeing if it is raining at night, so I have finally realized that this is something I really shouldn't do.
It goes without saying that I will do what ever is necessary to maintain my physical eyesight. I should be just as diligent to maintain my spiritual eyesight.
There are several verses that give instruction for our spiritual eyes.
Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
Psalm 121:1 I will lift up my eyes to the hill--where does my help come from? My help cometh from the Lord.
Proverbs 3:7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord...This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
There are also verses that tell us about the Lord's eyes.
Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.
I Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are atentive to their prayer.
I need to remember to keep my eyes on Him and I am ever so thankful that His eyes are on me, keeping watch on me and on my loved ones. Praise be to His name.
Praising the Lord for the gift of medicine. I am so happy your eyesight has improved. You are so right about our spiritual eyesight too!
Also, I read your post about your darling first husband John. What a witness to Jesus he must have been. You are such a living witness to what God can do in a life that has seen so much heartache. You my friend are an inspiration. You continue to put your trust in Him... knowing that in ALL things He works for the good of those who love Him... and you do love Him!
God Bless,
This is such a good post. I am glad for the good report at the doctor today.
Thanks, also, for the verses. They are so appropriate for us today during many uncertainies!
Bless you!
That must be VERY encouraging - to see improvement in your eye sight! And those verses are even MORE encouraging. Spiritual blindness is the saddest condition of all!
Great post and scripture application. I'm glad the medication is helping. God is so good. My grandmother had the same thing in both eyes. This was years ago before there was medication to help.
Take care,
Even without a physical disease to impair our vision, many of us suffer with the spiritual disease of blindness. How I pray to always have the eyes and heart to see Jesus. I'm glad for this medicine to treat this condition. I hope to never have to use it, but have a few friends who suffer with this and are thankful for the relief.
Once i was blind-but now i see!!!I am so happy to hear your treatments are working, we truly live in a wonderful day and age. Dee
Modern medicine is such a blessing from the Lord. Eyesight (both spiritual and physical) should never be taken for granted.
I also enjoyed the post about your first husband.
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