If I were prone to jealousy, I would be very jealous of some of the gardens and yards I've seen. I totally don't have a green thumb or a a knack for landscaping, but decided to post my humble pics of my flowers. We were encouraged by Kristen to have a garden party, so thought I would participate. I also have a friend, Rebecca, who has an entire blog devoted to her garden and nature.

(given to me by my sisters to celebrate my weight loss)

Although my flowers would not make it into "Home and Garden", we do have a large vegetable garden. The picture below is an overview of the garden. We have sweet corn, green beans, green peppers, carrots, radishes, red beets, kholerabi, yellow and zucchini squash, cabbage, a few cantalope, and tomatoes. I guess I forgot to mention lettuce, which we are already enjoying. Most of the garden got a very late start, almost a month late because of the rain.

We also have several different kinds of apple trees. We just picked our yellow transparent apples tonight and will make applesauce out of them. We didn't get many this year, only enough for about 2 batches.
So that is the end of the tour of my yard and garden. I wish you all could share some of this produce--I will have too much--as always! My hubby doesn't know how to "cut down" on his planting.
Thanks for visiting via my blog. I trust you all are enjoying the summer weather and your gardens.
If i lived close i would be standing in line for tomatoes and corn. Yum! Dee
Wow, Donna! I am so impressed! Your garden looks great! Reminds me of Ilva Gautches. :-) You just need a row of flowers for side borders to match hers. I had hoped your Dahlia would be more colorful. Oh well. Nicely done.
I actually have 2 rows of flowers in the front of the garden along the road, they just haven't come up and bloomed yet. Donna
Kudos to Lynn and you! Your vegetable garden is enviable. (And I DO live close enough to stand in line!) And you sell yourself short in the flower department. I don't have so many flowering plants and so a look at your beautiful colors is delightful. I was out yesterday carrying buckets of water from our rain barrels to various plants that were sagging. This heat is really hard on things - people included!
I am envious (oh, I know I shouldn't be) of your vegetable garden. It is gorgeous! Our yard is very small, very, very small, and I can't have a veggie garden. Your flowers are beautiful too!
Donna! It looks like alot of work to me!
I love your garden! I like the idea of gardens but I'm just not a gardener. Fortunately I live in Amish country so there's plenty of produce stands at farms nearby.
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