A couple weeks ago I was going through some pictures that my dad had of my family and also looking at the scrapbook I had done for Tim. It brought back memories of many happy times with Tim.

Tim was always trying to prove he had muscles--possibly because he didn't have his growth spurt until he was about 16. The younger picture was taken in 1986 (11 y/o) the other one I thing was in 1997. I thought it was funny that he had almost the same stance and expression!

He also loved his sister. In the first picture I think she was about 4or 5 and he would have been 7 or 8. The older picture was probably in 1997-1998. (As some of you know, Sara went to be with the Lord in 2006.)
In the last several months Tim has renewed his relationship with the Lord. He continues to have hope for his future. He would like to be a witness for the Lord, possibly be a missionary. I have to continue to believe that the Lord can, indeed, use him. There are 2 verses that I have claimed for Tim. The first one is Isaiah 61: 1-3 "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me...to bind up and heal the brokenhearted,...to proclaim liberty to the captives. ...To grant consolation to those who mourn, to give them an ornament of beauty instead of ashes."
The second one is Joel 2:25 "And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locusts has eaten;"
Tim was released from jail today. He received a suspended sentence and will be on probation with some community service required. My prayer is that he truly will have a clear and sound mind and be able to begin again to have a productive and purposeful life. I pray that because of his experiences he will be able to be an encouragement and testimony to others.
Donna, It is wondrful that Tim was released from jail. I will pray for him for continued good thoughts and ability to make a difference. I will also pray for you becasue I know as a mom how you feel for your son.
We love Tim too and pray for good things.
I believe this is good news. I know youll have some busy hours getting things lined up, etc. I hope/pray you can make some good connections to help Tim take steps toward wholeness and holiness. God is with you, Donna.
This made me cry as I read it and looked at the photos. I, too, remember good times with Tim and Sara. You have been a good mother, loving Tim always through the good and not good times. Blessings on you and Tim. You are in my prayers. I love you.
Donna my friend, you are such an inspiration. I am glad Tim was released. My heart hurts for you. Dee
I'm happy for you that Tim is now out of jail. Be assured that the Lord will use Tim and this experience to His glory and to minister to others.
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